After satisfying lunch at Rodeo Drive, we drove down to check those typical Beverly Hills where celebrities are living!
Giant houses are standing in row along "Rodeo Blv" and "Beverly Blv" as well as tall thin Palm tree.
While I was driving down this street, my fantacy never stops:) Hmmmm, maybe Paris lives in one of them...
Then we decided to move on to Hollywood. I instantly decided the way to take. We passed by the largest shopping center, drove throuth one of the famous shopping road "Merlose Avenue" and then take the street where you see Hollywood sign at certain point.
I wish I had more time. Merlose Avenue is the street where those fashionable LA girls go who get bored in shopping center. You could find more unique, "ONLY ONE" style here. Well, at least I was able to drive through the area.
Even with a little bit of traffice, which is typical in this area, we happily arrived in Hollywood, Man's Chinese Theater!!
Huge feet print of Matt Damon!! Last time I was here, I took photo of Tom Cruise and Richard Gear but it seems that all the prints are changing year by year.
This year, the casts of Ocean's 11 series are in.
All of the sudden came two guys in costume and started talking to me. They kind of forced taking photo with me. I knew they ask for tips!! Anyway, at least I took one funny photo.
Fame of Star.
What???? Godzilla??? Wow, Godzilla Davatz is not only world famous artist but also actor!!
Hollywood Highland. Another one of the majors shopping center. No Apple Store for my husband so he couldn't kill time while I'm shopping.
Then we left Hollywood and moved on to Westwood, UCLA. We took my favorite street, "Sunset Blvd". I really love this street. Shame that weather was no longer good but it would be very nice if the sun is shining.
I really have lots of nice memory in this street. First time in LA, I turned 21 years old during my stay. In US, you need to be older than 21 years old to get into clubs and ID is required. As soon as I got my 21st birthday, I went out with friends. Security guard looked at my ID and laughted that I'm so proud with my age:)
The night face of Sunset Blvd is all about clubbing but the day face is also nice. As we approach to UCLA, the street get narrower and start winding. You really can have a enjoyable ride.
We parked our car close to the domitory where I used to stay and took the way how I went to my class every morning.
I felt really nostalgic.
My time in UCLA is one of the most memorable and unforgettable time I had in my life. Until I meet my husband, I wished hundred times how nice it would be if I can return to those days once again. I really had precious time with international friends and during this stay, I gained international point of view. My current personality is created while I was here. One day, when I woke up and went down to cafeteria, all the students were gathering in front of the TV. It was September 11, 2001. It was just happened 3 hours ago in New York. We all cried and hug each others. I think I didn't cry if I was in Japan that time. But since I experience being a part of multi-national students, what happen in the world was not "far" anymore. I took that incident very personaly and was very shocked.
If there is one thing I regret in my life is that I wanted to graduate this university.
But now I'm back here with my husband. Of course I feel nostalgic but I'm happy with my current life and I don't regret anymore. This place remains as my special memory entire of my life.
The day in LA is concluded by the most suitable movie here, "American Gangstar".
We drove to Glove, another romantic shopping center.
The content of the movie is not romantic but the evening was very romantic.
I was very enthusiastic Los Angeles fan. But this time, I was able to analyse why I like the city so much. Trafffic is agressive and some area are of course not the safest place.
But the city has so many faces. The atmosphere of beach resort will change to the casual student village and then all of the sudden high standard celebrity's air. Hollywood has more down town atmosphere but unique mixture of "tourist" and "locals". You see these changes just driving down half an hour, this is amazing. Living in Los Angeles is being involved in many culture, being given many inspiration.
Montag, 19. November 2007
Whole day in LA (part 2)
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Labels: American Gangstar, Hollywood, Hollywood Highland, UCLA
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