I woke up with my head full of ring bell. It was the first night I slept in Luesai but I was frightened by unknown "Ring Bell" entire of the night. I was questioning myself "who the hell ringing the bell in the middle of night!". Well, how can I imagine, it was sheeps who made me suffer until morning..
Anyway, it's a big day for Ariuscha and Lukas, I've done my best to wipe out my "unsleep bunny's eyes" and dressed up, being excited what kind of dress will Arisucha wear today. Cow house was 1 st stage of the party and here comes 2nd stage!
It was very pretty country side church. Looks like standing at this small village many centuries. More and more wedding guests came. Some arrived only today, rushed their car all the way to the mountain to celebrate wedding couple.
And then we went inside. So interesting how the seat plan is organized. Parents of wedding couple is in front row, that is normal. But the seats for brothers and sisters and best man, woman are assigned on the stage, behind the wedding couple.
The man with orange flower was in charge of the whole precedure in the church. Who is he? Not priest. He is a brother of Bride's father:)
Since the family is non-religions at all, they decided to do the ceremony without priest. But still at the church. This idea really impressed my swiss colleague. She also doesn't like huge story from priest but still would like to have a ceremony in church, just becauce it's nice. As a non-religious Japanese, I strongly agree. You take what you feel nice and enjoy it. Japanese celebrate Christmas, but visit shrine on New Year. Exactly like it.
The show up of bride was indeed surprising. First, I doubted my eyes. Because I saw flushing red instead of white.
Ariuscha showed up with a red dress designed like a mixture of Chinese and Western. On her hand, she has a white umbrellad made by fresh flowers. She had a fur jacket just like her mother's. She looked like a Mary Poppins just came out from a fairy tale.
Organ was played by a best friend of bride's mother. Chelo was played by a girlfriend of best man.
There was a speech from best woman and best man.
There's no best woman and man culture in Japan. But here in Europe, best woman and man are indeed "key person" and big supporters for wedding couple. They even sign a official marriage document as a witness. How nice it is! Friends are normally know everything about you, not only how good person you are but also embarassing past. She (he) was always there even on the night you fighted with your boyfriend (girlfriend) and listened to you until morning. Imagine, how nice it would be when such a best friend takes important role in your life. I wish I could have done same.
Thinking of the friendship of Ariuscha and her best woman, I was about to tear even I didn't understand everything she said.
Ariuscha and Lukas utter a vow each others and the ceremony completed with a wedding kiss. I also think this "vow" style is beautiful. You think about the most special word for this moment in life to your most special partner! Not just being leaded by priest.
After the ceremony, there was a coffee break at the cafe nearby. It was another very at home, friendly cafe.
I think that the wedding couple considered "friends and families relations" as the most important. There were no professionals whole day, everything has done by one of the guests. That added comfortable friendly atmosphere even durning the ceremony which is normally more formal.
The party continues to the third stage crossing even a border of Italy.
Dienstag, 9. Oktober 2007
Ceremony in Luesai
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Labels: Best Woman, Church, Luesai, Wedding
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