Yoooo-hooooooo!! Yesterday was the birthday of my husband, FIRST birthday of him that we celebrate together. I've never able to celebrate his birthday on the exact date for last 2 years. No, no, we never had problem, just due to the "long-distance relationship". Now finally, as a proud wife, I could celebrate his special day!
Sometime I likw birthday of my special one, more than my own birthday. I really like to plan something surprising. But now, as we are living together, "surprise" is getting difficult and difficult.
First surpsrise I planned is baking a big whole cake. I've never been so good in baking a cake but I wanted to try one, which is also totally new to me. A straberry cheese cake!! I decided to make it from pie itself. Coincidentaly, we had a guest for dinner on Saturday night so I had a good reason to stay in the kitchen without being seen by him! I let my husband to go swimming VERY heppily and able to finish baking a cake. My husband came home while the caking is on the table cooling down, so I had to instantly cover it up by towel:)
Another surprise was ofcourse a gift. The idea was "how to make my husband comfortable". First thing came up in my mind was pajama. Next one is high quality soft towel. (he only have dried old towels!!) Third one is sun cream to protect skin of active, sporty man! These were all in a big bug and hidden in the corner of my room but somehow he saw it before birthday. Surprise was not that succesful:) I could never hide anything from him in his house!! Ofcourse the cake was hidden in the kitchen of parents place. I have no way to hide it without being seen by him. Ohhhh, SURPRISE is difficult!
My husband suits cute colours very much!! He already has short one.
Hmmm, I will protect his skin!
On the morning of his birthday, I woke up many times. I think I was too nurvous and thought about the gifts lying on the other room over and over.
So, now how we celebrated this special date! First of all we had big brunch at his parents place with special guest from Japan, Tomomi. Upon we went up, there stood two of them and singing birthday song! How lovely!!
Mother baked many cute small breads call Zopt and traditional birthday cake of the family. The day was perfect sunny day. After enjoying big brunch, we went swimming in the lake. Shame, no photo available but it was indeed beautiful summer day. Even the water is still cold, we all went in! "when you are in Rome, do what Roman do" I have to adjust to this style here.
Then we went to circue "KNIE". So many amazing performance went on and I was sweating in my hand! What I liked the most is performance of Elephant. I can't believe how they train Elephants. They have big ears but all they really listening to what people say? They have small eyes for big body, how they see person conducting them!? Anyway, they've done such a great performance. Look at this cute butts.
I was specially freaked out by this air swings. But why woman was wearing bikini?
After the show, we went back to the lake again. Two Japanese were completely heated up and worned out by sun tough mother was staying in the sun every seconds.
Poor Japanese are hiding behind back of mother and covered by jackets and huts..
Well, then fine dinner made us happy again. Seat was outside, under umbrella where we can enjoy fresh air and no sun:)
One sip of ginger soup brought me back in life again and one bite of crispy roasted chicken made me fit:) Detail of the food comes in other page.
So, under nice cozy umbrella, we had fun chat, using German, English and Japanese. Tomomi is already like my small sister. I'm really happy to have her.
Long but short happy day was ended with sweet icecream.
Once again, happy birthday my darling!
Montag, 21. Mai 2007
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Labels: Geburtstag, Husband, Odie, Wonderful
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