"Polterabend", I translate as "Party of pre-marriage". Which simply means "Let's have fun and gone crazy before getting married!". Engaged girl go out only with her girl friends, boy, of course only with boy friends.
It is known as "Bridal shower" in US but here in Switzerland, it is even more extreme..
A girl, who plays main role this time is "Caro". She will get married on October.
One of the features of Polterabend is a costume. Most of the case, girls (or boys) dress same.
Caro, who is super sporty girl, she has been specially organized a NIKE liked T shirts, which says "Caro" in stead of "NIKE". This is a great idea.
The party started from a cafe name "bistro&wellness".
As you notice from it's name, it is a place where you can have apero (cocktails) and in the same time, can pamper yourself with massage. Hmmm tempting. Caro had neck massage. Well, she has to be fully charged in order to prepare for her upcoming assignment...
While I was being massage, Caro's first assigment has started! Caro has been suddenly blindfolded!
And there is a tiny piece of many different foods were prepared and she had to guess (even eat!) just by smelling them. Once, there was a hand cream which smells like a caramel and caro has eaten it without knowing that it's actually a hand cream. Poor her..:) But she did great job! She guessed almost all of them. Her 1st assignment has completed.
12 girls dressed same in a town!! This is awesome! Swiss people usually know that this is a group of Polterabend.
So, her next assignment is...
An Iron.
What a hell she wants to do with the iron?? Well, it's not SHE wants to do it. She has been ordered from us:)
2nd assignment. Go and get shirts from men and iron it. Plus, ask for a tip!!
Caro, without hesitating anything, she started asking to a man in cafe for his shirts.
Successful!! She ripped off his shirts and went into a bar...
A classic nice cafe. The end of the bar counter is..
Caro ironing!! She even secured a electric power in the cafe!! Unbelievable!!
Her first ironing is completed. She even got a tip as a reward.
Since her first attack was such a success, she became full power.
She ran and found a next target from even from another restaurant!
Caro helps him wearing a t-shirts on which has been ironed. I really amazed how supportive the people are for Polterabend.. Caro got a tip again. Her "mission of iron" is completed but here comes the next one without break.
3rd Assignment: Find out how to say "I love you" in 12 different languages.
Danish, Dutch, Finnish,Croatian,,, there is a list of languages that she has to conquer.
Finnish?? Damm, he's not!!
Caro even broke into the kitchen in one restaurant! Yes, we got Croatian!!
While we continued looking for another language, we bumped into to the another party of Polterabend..
Which is men!!
The man in rabbit is a polterabend boy. Caro asked him, "you, I have this huge mission to find out how to say I love you in these languages, you have to help me!".
"Damm, what a hell huge mission.. You have such a cool T-shirts, look at me, man"
Yes, he IS a poor man. Here even has cans tightened to his feet, which makes perfect noise whenever he walks.
Anyway, Caro finally found how to say "I love you" in all the languages on the list. 3rd assignment is also finish.
4th Assignment: Sell roses to cute boys in high price
Ohh, there are quite a many good looking men in this terrace.
When Caro finds target.. all the girls go around him and surround. Gee, nobody can't say no in such a situation. Girls are such a threat:)
Caro even ran and stop a man riding bicycle when she finds target!
Poor man, being stopped his comfortable ride on the bicycle and has to pay:) This is really fun to observe.
Well, not only a threat but her personality and sweatness don't allowed them to say no. She managed to sell all the roses!!
Caro, even voluntary went into bar in order to get a free drink.
A bartender called the boss. As soon as boss saw Caro and her smile, he said,
"Ok!! Two Caipirinha!!"
... it seems like everything is possible when you are having a polterabend.. Caro is now in bar side, making her own drinks.
But this last assignment is quite tough one.
5th Assignment: Grill Chipolata and sell them.
"Chipolata"="Small sausages". Grill and Sell?? Where and how?? Oh, even for Caro, this is too difficult.
Look at her serious face.. Will she give up her last assignment??
There is a no word like "impossible" in Caro's dictionary!! She went into this popular sausage restaurant in Zurich where everybody grab sausages quickly.
and she negotiated with a manager and got a permission! She is now behind the counter and grilling sausages!!
She sells now not only her Chipolata but also sausages of this restaurant. Look at her, she wear hat, just like her colleagues:)
"What would you like to have today~?". Caro, you really like a real sausage seller:) She successfully start grilling her Chipolata but she also has to sell them all. She ask if the guests also want to purchase Chipolata but up to this point, nobody wants such a small sausages.
So, it time for girls to help her out. They went to look for a fun, generous man who willing to pay for Chipolata. And we found one.
One guy, he pays CHF5 for one Chipolata and bought all of them! Whichmeans, he paid CHF30 for us!! UNBELIEVABLE!!!
As we leave this restaurant, Caro got a free sausage as salary of selling sausages:)
SO, now she is fully completed her all assignments! Now we can go for a dinner!
Due to Caro's good work, our girls need to pay only CHF15 for Mexican dinner with Margharita!
After dinner, the party continued and we went clubbing. There was a small surprise there. While we are dancing or talking, men come one by one and give Caro roses. I wondered why.
This was a small surprise organized by girl. They posted Caro's huge picture on men's bathroom with a message saying "this girl is having her Polterabend tonight. If you see her on the hall, please give her a rose", and there is a vase of roses next to it. What a sweet surprise.
and we stayed there until 4 o'clock.
After all, this polterabend was more than a huge success and I was surprised by these 3 points.
1. that Swiss people have such a unique a fun idea to enjoy party.
2. that Swiss people accepting Polterabend and supporting all these crazy things.
3. that Caro such a talented entertainer is. Everything she has done went beyond my expectation.
Again, I got to know a new aspect and new culture of Switzerland. You know, Swiss people is not necessarily conservative. They can be so fun and crazy which you never see in any other countries in the world! (who will iron in cafe!?)
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Mittwoch, 26. August 2009
Unbelievable Polterabend
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Labels: Bistro and Wellness Zurich, Polterabend
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