On the little bit cloudy Sunday afternoon.
Odie and I headed to the venue where wedding party will be held.
Nice small back yard of farm house!!
It was a casual wedding party only among freinds. Since I have been not well informed from Odie, I think I was over dressed for this situation:)
Again, it was one of the wedding party which is VERY special for Japanese..
Live music is from a man who is actually a friend of Groom's father. The T-Shirts they are weating is saying "Ja"="Yes". "yes! We marry!". I like that.
Dining is also decorated as "yes":)
What I like about Swiss culture is this unique idea for parties. For example, guests paint each square in the campus and complete one whole picture.
Odie, who is a son of artist, is concentrating.
The picture should look like this.
Unique and what a sophisicated idea!!
Party fun in Japan can be extremely silly.
Guests also had to blow a ballon with one note inside. The note is actually a present.
If the bridal couple can hit the balloon, they can get the present written inside! Such a wonderful idea! It is so heart warming and fun for everybody!
What present did the groom get...?
Another special idea on this night "play and kiss!". Music has been played whole evening but when this one special music comes, bride and groom have to kiss no matter what. Even one is in dining, the other is in the middle of conversation,,, they always have to find each others and have to kiss in front of everybody. That was soooo sweet.This is not possible in Japan since Japanese usually don't kiss around in public:) Even on the day of wedding, you see them kissing just one time in church.
In Europe, I really feel that the wedding party is mutual happiness, both bridal couple and guests. While guests have organized many fun game and idea, bridal couple has organized great dinner.
Dinner was also special this night. It was a "stick barbecue!!"
You choose meats from variety of offer and put them in oven.
While waiting for your dinner get ready,, you can chat with other guests who also waiting for grill. Since my German has got better, I really enjoy socializing with other Swiss people. It's a great occation to get to know them.
I drunk some wine and was fully enjoying the evening. Small cupcakes above is fortune teller. There is a note sticked to the every cupcakes. Upon I open my fortune, I was joking to Odie saying "garfy is intelligent and beautiful than Odie bla-bla...". and then I opened it... and SHOCKED!!
"FRAU IST DIE KAMEL".= "Woman is a camel". Whattttt!? Am I a camel!???? I didn't fully understand. Is it some kind of German proverb!? I was not satisfied!!
But I was fully satisfied with the evening and had great fun with other guests. Odie's friends are all nice and fun. One of the friends gave me a tip the if I want to get pregnant, I have to do "handstands" after "the night activity":) I thought 1 minute will be enough but they told me that the girl who was succesful stayed being head down 20 MINUTES long! Oh my god!!
Socializing is fun and profitable...
The picture we have drawn looked like this afterall.
On the right small corner on the bottom.. there is a Garfield sitting drawn by Garfield who has no talent in art:)
Tautropfen Rosen Öl
Gently massage face and relaxed by luxurious rose aroma..
to wipe out the tire looking face after long party on Sunday and kick off your axx to Monday morning!!
Mittwoch, 15. Juli 2009
Wedding Party in Switzerland
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4 Kommentare:
Seems like you really get the icing of the cake all the time ;)
Makes me wish to move from Japan to Switzerland as well...
I was laughing all the time while reading. The garfield is great! :-)
To Alexander,
So are you the Swiss living in Japan? I'm also curious how you see Japan..
To Fay, I've never used paint brush for ages, since school time! It was more difficult than I thought!
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