November 4, 2008. The whole world were paying attention to one country, the United States of America. Odie and I were in Washington DC to see and feel this historical moment.
I, being a typical Japanese, not a political oriented person at all. But as most of Western people are, Odie really loves to discuss about politics, I mean he is an extreme case. What make Odie untypical European is that he is such a passionate Republican.
Since we arrived in US, we were staying and enjoying time with this American family who has been friends of Odie's family for a long time. The problem is, this family are Democrats, which cause of course, big explosion of discussions in every meal time. I usually hate political discussion but since this is a very special occasion, I tried myself to being involved (well, at least try to listen) to the discussion. As I always wonder, it is very interesting for me to see people having such a big conflict of opinions but still can dine together. In Japan, there is a saying "such a conversasion makes food taste bad":) But obviously, this saying is not applied here.
Among many democrats, Odie was making hugggggggeeee argument and being so agressive.
Upon first dinner, one American woman asked me to whom I'm for. I told her that I'm completely indifference because it will be a big explosion if I talk about politic with Odie. But her answer slaped me in my face "it doesn't matter, such an attitude is prohibited in US". I thought "well I'm not an American" but what she has said remained in my heart.
So I was observing discussions for couple of meal and I reallize it actually doesn't matter what the others opinion are. I mean, the discussion won't make any severe damage to friendship. For me the discussion sounds like almost fight but they actually enjoying exchanging opnionis. I asked Laura (she is democrat but her husband is not) if they ever talk about politics and fight. Her answer was very interesting. They do talk about politic because the goal they are seeing is same, only the way to reach there is different.
I actually knew that I potentially have different opinion from Odie that's why I decided not to speak out. If I have same opnion with him, I could have just agree whatever he says. I learned that even with little bit of knowledge, I have to have at least my own opinion and I don't have to afraid of it.
I became even more confident with this thought on the election date.
In the morning of election, we strolled down the street and saw a black woman sittling on her porch. She friendly said "Good Morning!". Odie asked her "have you vote?" and she showed us suddenly emotional expression and said "not yet but soon. And you? Vote for black man!"
Also, as I took taxi, the driver who was also African American instantly asked me if I vote. He was quite confident of Obama's victory and said "it will be a history". Of course, I also felt that this vote is important not only for African American but all citizens. Odie liked to ask people "have you vote?" and everybody proudly say "Yes, of course!" It wouldn't be like this in Japan. Again, I felt shame of not having an opnion.
In the evening, we went to this bar where equipped with many TV, where all democrats come. It was very impressive to see the people starring at TV and watching results to come. Whenever the result appears for each states, applause occurs. Finally it has annonced that there is no way left for Republican to win. Barack Obama, a first black president from Western country has born who will have huge responsibility for the country in this unstable time in the world.
What republican say and what democrat say are of course important but the fact that America has chosen first black president is really meaningful. Maybe because I'm now away from my country, the strong feeling of the proudness of race and country touches me a lot. I imagined how greatful all the people are. Face, face, face, especially of those African American with tears shown in TV touched me more than any other movies.
I have read that the dream of Martin Luher King has not yet come true in US. But now US has made a big step of this dream to come REALLY true!! Now I want to make a small step. Finish being typical Japanese without hainvg political opinion and be an international person who can participate world's politic!
Mittwoch, 5. November 2008
US Presidential Election
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