It was my second Damperball experience this year.
Dampferball- a dance party which is held on a Dampboat. Our family participate this dance party every year and for me it was second time.
I was so suprised last time to dance in such a classical small ship.
Where you see manual operation system in front of the dance hall.
But this year, I felt much more familiar. I have chosen blue dress which I bought in US.
So the party has started.
Music is continuously played by live band and you dance before appetizer, after appetizer, after main dish and after dessert... whichmeans almost all the time:)
Swiss food is tasty only in such a special occation..:)
What I was also looking forward is Ursula's dress.
and her dance with Godzilla. First of all, I wore simple nude colour dress last year which turned out to be super boring dress next to Ursula's flash pink dress!! (you see her dress in sidebar:) That's why I have chosen colour dress this year in order not to be so boring next to her bright dress.
This year, she had passionate red dress bought in Iran!!(where she arrange her dress is also very original!!)
and as you know, how they dance..
I really have to be careful when they are dancing close to me.. I don't want to be bumped by Godzilla..
Compared to the other couples in photo, you can see how unique they dance. Consuming full energy!!
Since Godzilla and Ursula are so crazy, I also have to do some action!!
Titanic in snoowwwwwwww!! My god, that was fxxking cold!!
But I felt like acting crazy, after seeing agressive Godzlla's dance:)
and I could also dance much better than last year. It was indeed lots of fun!! I'm still bad in ball dance but this one, Odie should take me to dance lesson. He promised.
Being spinned by Odie with Rock'Roll music was ok. When I met him first time in club, I thought "what kind of stupid European dance is this??" since Odie spinned me too much. That time in TOkyo, I only know sexy disco dance with R&B or Hiphop:) But now I got use to this European way and I can even enjoy!
The only thing I can improve better until next year is again German.. Odie enjoy talking about politics with Cigar which I still cannot understand well. Like learning dancing, I hope I can learn more in discussion by next year.
Mittwoch, 26. November 2008
Dampferball 2008
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Labels: Boat Luzern, Dampferball
Sonntag, 16. November 2008
My friend is a Broadway star
This year, New York was all about my friend Yuki. We stayed there total 3 nights and we actually spent time with her only for a drink and one lunch. But she gave us such a strong impression which made us feel "New York" as "Yuki". She is my friend who now living and working in New York to become a Broadway star!!
I met her in my previous job in Japan. We were still one of those "youngest" in the company and we performed as cheerleaders in employees party. It was indeed fun time I had there and this is how we became friends.
But I have to say that she is super direct girl which make her very unique Japanese. I mean she is never been a typical Japanese girl. (she admit herself). For example, when I introduced my boyfriend (now husband) to her, first thing she asked him was "what do you like about her?":) My husband and I never forget this! It was such a simple, straight question!
She is also quite moody. In other way, she doesn't hide her feeling. Many Japanese hesitate to show their REAL feeling in order to avoid conflict. But Yuki is not. When I ask her "how are you?" she can say "terrible" in grumpy face:)
I can imagine not all Japanese can get along with her well. But I like her very much. Her unique character make her attractive. And since she knows she is an emotional person, she realize "acting" is her best career becuase she knows how to be emotional. It comes out naturally from her inside.
So now she is living in New York, taking dance or acting lesson and same time working as a waitress. When she doesn't have lesson, she is working more than 12 hours in a restaurant and meantime, checking newpaper for any audition information.
Her world is full of drama. On the night we arrived in New York, we visited her restaurant. It was Halloween night and she was working there in a custume. She looked very good in the restaurant. But after 5 days later, she told me that she was fired!! I couldn't believe it!! She laughed and said "now I started training in another restaurant". What a tough girl..
She looks tough and she behave strong but she has sensitive part as well. She often tells me that she is jealous about me. She is jealous how I found Mr. Right and living peacefully in Switzerland. This is another straight forward word she gave me. She even went to see a councelor in order to be prepared to see us, without being jealous.
But actually, it's me who is a bit jealous. I am jealous about her life which is full of action and the fact that she is breathing air in America, chasing American dream. During our stay in US, I have been asked by a staff in Abercrombie&Fitsch if I want to join the team. I really love to if I can. Living in US was also my dream. But I'm not in the status anymore just moving around and do whatever I want.
Yuki really knows what she wants. That is something she has and I don't. What I can do is support her and wish her success. So what, if she lose part time job. Madonna was also switching around her job before she become so succesful. With her passion, I'm sure Yuki will reach to the point she dreams. In fact, she sing a phrase of "Phamtom of the Opera" very well!
Yuki's homepage is coming soon. Check it out by typing "Yuki Akashi" those who interested in strong, charming Japanese Hope who has full energy to consume in acting!
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Labels: Broadway, Casting, New York, Yuki Akashi
Mittwoch, 5. November 2008
US Presidential Election
November 4, 2008. The whole world were paying attention to one country, the United States of America. Odie and I were in Washington DC to see and feel this historical moment.
I, being a typical Japanese, not a political oriented person at all. But as most of Western people are, Odie really loves to discuss about politics, I mean he is an extreme case. What make Odie untypical European is that he is such a passionate Republican.
Since we arrived in US, we were staying and enjoying time with this American family who has been friends of Odie's family for a long time. The problem is, this family are Democrats, which cause of course, big explosion of discussions in every meal time. I usually hate political discussion but since this is a very special occasion, I tried myself to being involved (well, at least try to listen) to the discussion. As I always wonder, it is very interesting for me to see people having such a big conflict of opinions but still can dine together. In Japan, there is a saying "such a conversasion makes food taste bad":) But obviously, this saying is not applied here.
Among many democrats, Odie was making hugggggggeeee argument and being so agressive.
Upon first dinner, one American woman asked me to whom I'm for. I told her that I'm completely indifference because it will be a big explosion if I talk about politic with Odie. But her answer slaped me in my face "it doesn't matter, such an attitude is prohibited in US". I thought "well I'm not an American" but what she has said remained in my heart.
So I was observing discussions for couple of meal and I reallize it actually doesn't matter what the others opinion are. I mean, the discussion won't make any severe damage to friendship. For me the discussion sounds like almost fight but they actually enjoying exchanging opnionis. I asked Laura (she is democrat but her husband is not) if they ever talk about politics and fight. Her answer was very interesting. They do talk about politic because the goal they are seeing is same, only the way to reach there is different.
I actually knew that I potentially have different opinion from Odie that's why I decided not to speak out. If I have same opnion with him, I could have just agree whatever he says. I learned that even with little bit of knowledge, I have to have at least my own opinion and I don't have to afraid of it.
I became even more confident with this thought on the election date.
In the morning of election, we strolled down the street and saw a black woman sittling on her porch. She friendly said "Good Morning!". Odie asked her "have you vote?" and she showed us suddenly emotional expression and said "not yet but soon. And you? Vote for black man!"
Also, as I took taxi, the driver who was also African American instantly asked me if I vote. He was quite confident of Obama's victory and said "it will be a history". Of course, I also felt that this vote is important not only for African American but all citizens. Odie liked to ask people "have you vote?" and everybody proudly say "Yes, of course!" It wouldn't be like this in Japan. Again, I felt shame of not having an opnion.
In the evening, we went to this bar where equipped with many TV, where all democrats come. It was very impressive to see the people starring at TV and watching results to come. Whenever the result appears for each states, applause occurs. Finally it has annonced that there is no way left for Republican to win. Barack Obama, a first black president from Western country has born who will have huge responsibility for the country in this unstable time in the world.
What republican say and what democrat say are of course important but the fact that America has chosen first black president is really meaningful. Maybe because I'm now away from my country, the strong feeling of the proudness of race and country touches me a lot. I imagined how greatful all the people are. Face, face, face, especially of those African American with tears shown in TV touched me more than any other movies.
I have read that the dream of Martin Luher King has not yet come true in US. But now US has made a big step of this dream to come REALLY true!! Now I want to make a small step. Finish being typical Japanese without hainvg political opinion and be an international person who can participate world's politic!
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