May 20th was Odie's Birthday! From 7 o'clock in the morning, we had a visit.
A cake delivery from Ursula!!
She stopped by us before her work to deliver Linzertorte, a traditional family birthday cake!!
Design was her original with name on the cake!!
Odie, who just turned 33, look very happy to have this cake.
Ursula baked this cake every time for birthday kids. Birthday kids has all right for the cake. Without their permission, no one allowed to touch the cake.. How sweet and funny family event:)
I'm also a big "event-oriented" person! I thought about birthday present for Odie for a long time and decided to get Freitag bag...two of them!!
Especially perfect for this season since it's fully waterproof. The bag will be a good mate to go for swimming!
and of course romantic restaurant for two of us..
Romantic? Well, actually funny restaurant:)
It's an Asian restaurant where you can dine next to the aquarium!!
We had some nice Asian food,
Shame that here in Switzerland, you can hardly request special birthday dessert arrangement but atmosphere of the restaurant was nice.
But most imrpotant is that we enjoyed.
I was very happy that he like my Freitag bag present! I was little bit worried if he doesn't want to let go his old bag. I decided to get this bag when we saw one Japanese boy in Tokyo with Freitag bag in a metro. Odie about to ask him where he bought the bag but I was too embarassed and I didn't let him. In stead, I thought of buying him a one.
Odie is such a popular man.. His freinds gathered from lunch time to celebrate his birthday. Odie had too much drink from the middle of the day. He even got a Sprüngli chocolate present from other friends..
I just realized it's a second birthday that we celebrate together. Since it was with all family last year, a private party between two of us is first time!
Thinking about those days that we were in long-distance relationship, how happy I am that we can celebrate birthday together on the day!
Sonntag, 25. Mai 2008
Odie's Birthday Party
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Labels: Ankor, Ankor Aquarium, Ankor Zürich, Birthday
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