... with bicycle cart:)
From Wiesen, you could take a ride to the city!
Not cheap but fun! We took two cars and drove together with 2 pairs.
At first, I was a little bit afraid and wishing "please don't bang to anything!" but soon, I found it very comfortable! A woman who drove bicycle was very good and also talkative. She joked, "Slim Japanese and Swiss are easy!"
In Japan, there is a smiliar one called "Jinrikisya" which means, "Car of Human power". Instead of driving bicycle, a man pull the cart and run! This is very tough work. Interesting that this bicycle cart is called "Richshy" in German. Similar name!
Baby in the stomach of my friend was also satisfied with comfortable shake:)
It was a great closing of a fun festival day!! Also see the video
Mittwoch, 26. September 2007
City Cruise
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Labels: Bicycle, München, Oktoberfest, Wiesn
Dienstag, 25. September 2007
Brunch at friend's place
Friends of ours invited us for brunch during our stay in München. Once they visited us in Zürich. This time, they kindly invited us on Sunday noon.
Talking about apartments in Europe, I have a image that they are positively old. But their apartment was completely modern and very beautiful!!
The room has floor to ceiling window which invite full sunshine in the room. Glass table was in the middle.
And I love their big, white sofa! The owner said problem of the sofa is too comfortable that you fell asleep after watching TV 15 minutes:)
The brunch is "Weiss Wurst" the traditioal Bayer white sausage. Lighter than other grilled sausages since it's gently boiled without using oil.
And Prezel. Interesting that Prezel is taken as a "bread" here. In US, prezel is always snacks. Well, quality is of course different from that of US. The dough is tasty here.
Cool table decoration.
After the satisfying meal, we went out again to Wiese, the Oktoberfest..:)
We couldn't stay there long due to the departure time of our train. Hopefully next year, we'll have more time together!!
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Montag, 24. September 2007
Over the weekend, we went München!! The purpose of the visit is of course, having party at the world famous Oktoberfest!! Yes!! Thanks god that we're living in Zürich. We could enjoy this popular festival only over the weekend without taking extra holidays.
Visiting München means more than enjoying Oktoberfest for me. I have couple of friends there. On Saturday, a friend of mine who is Japanese girl, joined us whole day even she is planned to have a baby in one month!
First thing we've done before going "Wiesen";the big platz where Oktoberfest take place, is buying traditional dress. Girls wear a dress call Dirndl and boys wear Lederhose. There were variety of Dirndl, many different colors and different length of skirt. I chose blue-purple one which is my favorite color. My husband bought full costume from shoes to shirts:)
So we are well equipped and went Wiese. Oktoberfest... it is indeed a HUGE festival. I say, one big amusement park is suddenly appear in the city where you can drink all day. There are a number of attractions and food stands just like in amusement park. What makes it different from amusement park is that there are lots of temporary made giant tents where people squeeze in each tables and drinking like a hell:)
Drinking inside...
Drinking outside.
It's true that tons of tons of beer are served in every seconds. Can't believe how powerful these waiters and waitresses are.. They are carrying 10 huge glasses at once.
Tents are normally reserved in advance. I heard reservation is accepted from beginning of the year. Outside seats are also totally full but we had a luck to find a seat.
Roasted chicken is the popular food served at the test. And other German foods which is basically all about meat.
Huge Prezel!!
Shame that I can't drink beer. But I can enjoy the atmosphere without drinking!! People easily get to know each others with neighbors. The guy behind us often came to our table and asked to sing together. The other guy, who was totally drunk constantly bothering us and at the end, he spilled the water on my camera!!
But I also got to know a girl who was sitting at the table next to us. We talked indeed a lot. She was such a heart warming girl.
Mattias, a husband of my Japanese friend is a real German. He is totally satisfied and relaxed after couple of beers. We also had lots of fun together! Hmmm, this is the way you enjoy beer.. How to enjoy beer can be learned from real German!
My husband tricked me. He bought me a pretty cookie in heart shape. Something was written on it but since it was Bayern German, I didn't understand. I was happily hanging the heart cookie from the neck but somehow it dragged the attention from everybody. As I was waiting for my friends to come, some boys even tried to kiss me. (just teasing me) Later, I found out that it was written "GIVE ME A KISS"!
Girls are checking Dirndl dress of each others. It is like a Tanabata festival from my hometown. Girls all go festival with Yukata (Japanese traditional summer dress) on. At the festival, most of them check others Yukata since it also has many colours and designs. I was really satisfied with my Dirndl but it was also interesting to see other girls how they are wearing it.
We left around 6 pm but of course party goes on until late and for next 3 weeks! How the city spend energy for the festival (maybe it profits more!) is amazing. And it prove that having party with beer is absolutely the best pleasure for German people. The people, totally strangers gather at once and all have a good time, talking, singing and even dancing together. This culture of course attracts many foreigners as well and involving lots of tourist as well every year.
It was blessing day. Catching up with friends and at the same time, experiencing new culture. My weekend couldn't be a better one!!
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Labels: Dirndl, Lederhose, Oktoberfest, Wiesen
Donnerstag, 20. September 2007
Private garden in city
European people like to take care of their garden. Specially here in Switzerland, it's normal to find some "eatable" plants simply from their own garden. This is quite amazing for me since Zurich is city and not a farm country. But even in the middle of the city, people own their private farm in back yard and growing vegetables and fruits.
A friend of my husband has a gorgeous garden. Once, my husband back home with full of apples and berries in a bascket. It was from their garden.
I really can't believe that this is a private own garden..
In the middle of the city.
In Japan, or at least in Tokyo, in order to enjoy this kind of beautiful garden, you have to go to the public own place, often named as "English Garden" with entrance fee.
After I went crazy to take photos in the garden:), a mother of the family offer us nice, tasty lunch. Hand-made cake came as a dessert. This was really delicious. In public "English Garden" in Japan, you also find a cafe where offer cakes but quality is not as good as this one.
Beautiful garden shows the spirit of Swiss people how they love nature. Switzerland itself is like a country of nature but even so, people try to grow their own greenery at home. This is such a luxurious life style. Flower from a garden add lovely atmosphere in the room and real BIO vegetables from a garden give you lots vitamins and fruits from a garden turns out to be a sweet cake coming out from oven. At same time, you really have to learn how to take care of the garden, otherwise it won't be a fruitful one. Lots of work come back as a reward.
Having a garden makes your life a little bit more precious one.
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Labels: Garden of Eden, Zurich
Mittwoch, 19. September 2007
Letten, the river version BADI in Zurich. Here, you can just come by, quickly swim and go even during an 1 hour lunch time. (I also came often on hot days!). No entrance charge, I like this swim-and-go style:) This time, with my sister-in-law, I learned other face of Letten.
Letten can be a great outside cafe where offer good foods!! It was sunny autumn day which we could still enjoy a last tip of summer atmosphere. Before we go movie, we wanted to fill our stomoch at somewhere refreshing.
Letten is perfect for such a occation. There are grasses and wooden board you can lay down and sofa facing river side. These sofas are occupied with young people who enjoying chatting.
As we had a big hunger, we took a table and ordered something to bite. Selection of food is also quite stylish. Miso-Mayonaisse Humberger, Veggies Burger, Sticked Caprese,, and so on. We've chosen Grilled Egg Plant and Cucumber with Chili sauce and baked potato. Healthy but well satisfied our empty tommy:)
Having a refreshing river view outside in casual atmosphere something very special in Zurich. You cannot get this in other city or at least not in Tokyo. You have to go to real restaurant if you want to dine with river view.
Letten represent one of the life quality in Zurich.
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Montag, 17. September 2007
First Hair Dresser in Zurich
One of the most important issue I had for living in Zurich is HAIR DRESSER. It seems that styling your hair is not so much important issue in here Zurich. My Swiss colleague, a pretty girl, really doesn't care where she goes to cut her hair. In Japan, hair dresser are actually called "hair salon" and girls are expecting more than cutting her hair. THE SALON I used to go offer variety of aroma shampoo and massage. I could enjoy relaxation while my hair being cut.
I had my BEST hair stylist in Japan. I had my whole reliability on him. I just walk in, tell him a little bit of tips that I want and he take best out of it, even more than my expectation. I always worried if he quit his job one day, than I never know how I can deal with my hair further. I always thought, "I'm not gonna let anybody to touch my hair expect him". This is the way we take "hair salon". It is not just the place to "cut your hair". It is about "how to arrange your hair"
I wish I could go back to Japan every time I want to cut my hair,,,, but the time has come that I finally have to let someone else to touch my hair. I decided to go hair dresser in here Zurich, where my sister-in-law recommended to me.
I left my home with my favorite casual, but also trendy and stylish one I had. On the day I have appointment at hair salon, I always wear something represent my style the most. It gives good impression to stylist and let them easier to understand what I want. It also has an effect to give the stylist a pressure that they can't do wrong:)
As I arrived the salon, my stylist was expecting for me at the reception. She instantly showed me a friendly smile and we shook a hand. Hmm, this is very European style to shake hand at the salon but I liked it. It wiped out my nervous feeling.
Than she consulted what kind of style I have in my mind. I always think that the hair style which looks very cute on western woman never match to Asian woman. (hair itself is totally different!) So I showed the script from Japanese magazine with Japanese model who has the style I want. She looked at it and agreed.
Hair shower was not that comfortable. The salon I used to go had a chair recline like the one at first class, so that customers don't hurt neck during long shower. My hair is too heavy to be patient until finish being washed. Also, there was no towel provided to put on my face. Towel avoid shampoo getting into your eyes and also gives you a peace underneath of it.
After the shower, a drink was offered. That was happy surprise. Cold ice tea tasted good after shower.
I was staring at the skill of my hair stylist. She was quite good, checking the length everytime and always asked me if she can cut so far. I was happy that she really paid attention to my wish.
Furthermore, I really enjoyed talking to her. She is very open and also gave me many fun information about the city. At the end, I even wish if she could be a friend of mine! She is indeed a cool woman.
My hair style was completed as a little bit different from a model girl in magazine. I say, my hair has been arranged as more European cut. But it was a good changes, otherwise, I always want same kind of style.
Overall satisfaction, I could judge only when I leave the salon. I left the place with big smile. Even I have to challenge with new hair style, I had a comfortable stay and that is also important. Beauty will not created without comfortable atmosphere.
I learned again something new in Zurich. Learning hair salon also takes part of learning the city. Step by step, I have to find my own world here.
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Labels: hair dresser, hair salon, Shampoo, Zurich
Freitag, 14. September 2007
A week has past
since we left our second home, Ermioni. We both straight back to work and spending our ordinary life in Zürich. Go work go school, cook and so on.
The day we left Ermioni was beautiful.
When our boat came, it looked like sliding on an ice bahn. So flat the water was.
Just for a while, good bye to Godzilla and Ursula who will stay in Ermioni for another week. Since we spend time every day together, even a week good bye sounds very long. I was very sad.
Beautiful landscape of Ermioni from water.
and go further..
For me, Ermioni is the place to visit only during summer. But there are people living there entire of their life in this small town. Slowly slowly, I know some people there and I think about those people still here in this picture even now at this moment.
Ermioni see us off with it's beautiful outlook. I'm sure the place welcome us back just like it is in next year.
Tomorrow, Godzilla and Ursula will be back in Zürich.
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Sonntag, 9. September 2007
I learned snorkeling in here Greece. First I was not able to dive, but with using fin, I could dive and get closer to fish.
Scuba diving require many equipment and of course "buddy" but snorkeling can man easily enjoy whenever you want.
Here in Ermioni, there is a funny cafe equipped stairs into water. I like to go down from here.
Once I'm in water, soon I see flock of fish and sea urchins.
With bad luck, I was sting by jelly fish;-)
But anyhow, snorkeling is fun. I was impressed by shining transparent water from the above and also the world under the water. There are indeed many creatures.
Back to the land, Im always refreshed.
The sunset, it was another beautiful day..
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Samstag, 8. September 2007
Invited by Greek neighbor
Antoni and Martina are good neighbor of Gadzilla. They know each others for a long time and being a good friend.
This year, as we visited Ermioni with Godzilla, we are also been invited by them for a drink at their place.
Greek people like to make fun.
Godzilla gave present to Martina. She soon unwrapped the gifts which is a scarf and a shirt designed by Godzilla. Unlike conservative people, she tried them on at the place and even paused to my camera.) Very cute!
Antoni also like to make jokes. Once Godzilla was visiting Greece alone, he was eager to know whether GOdzilla has Greek girlfriend or not. Godzilla joked back to him that he has one. He believes men have to have three women at the same time. (which was actually, his wife was also in charge of girlfriend's role:)
Martina prepared good foods. Octopus was fresh and chewy. She said she has to cook them for an hour to make is soft. Cheese, tomato salads, breads.. Simple foods are the best in Greece while ingredients are fresh enough.
I like this style of offering guests small foods (not a knife and fork meal) and enjoying chatting until late. Nothing complicated. Very casual but fun.
Charlie is a house cat. He is quite suspicious with guests and didn't come closer. Outside, there are many wild cats but Charlie is being spoiled at house:) Antoni said every night at 11pm, he comes to his bed and sleep. I tried to pet Charlie but he looked very uncomfortable. But as soon as Aontoni hugged him up, Charlie was very happy.
Martina told me that I look prettier than photo. Well, at photo, I'm sure I had full make-up on. But I visited them without having any make-up. First visit in Greece, I felt like walking naked when I didn't put make-up. But since last year, I got used to it. I also enjoying being as simple as possible in here Greece. But even so, I believe I look much better with make-up. So her small compliment meant a lot to me. I was very proud.
Laugher was never disappeared until we left.
Upon we left, Antonie and Matrina was waiving to us very long time.
It was the night I was touched by warm hearted Greek culture.
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Labels: Charlie, Greek neighbor, Invitation