Donnerstag, 23. August 2007

Party at classical city

Baden is a very small city which is 15 minutes away from Zurich by train. It is famous for hot spring and has a popular bathing center. Already from 2000 years before, the place was known as "Aquae Helvetia" which means "Water of Switzerland". It has been said that the troop of Ceaser also took a rest here. The city is lying next to the beautiful flow of Limat river. As you walk down on the street, you hear the conformable flow of a river. My first visit to this city was very quiet one. It was winter and I was alone. But yesterday, the city showed me it's another face. It was a Baden Festival which take place once in a TEN year!!

Badenfahrt 2007

Badenfahrt 2007

Badenfahrt 2007

Strange monuments and big "INFO" flag suddenely appeared in a small typical European city. The last one, which is covered by red net is a restaurant. It has very funny concept that one can eat each of the course munu in each floors. So you start appetizer on the first floor, main dish on the second floor, dessert on the third floor and water pipe of the roof top.. Something like that. Unfrotunately, the seat was already fully booked.

Badenfahrt 2007

So we went to the other restaurant.

Badenfahrt 2007

And enjoyed beautiful crepe for a dessert.

Badenfahrt 2007

Badenfahrt 2007

We walked around the city and found so many beautiful views which is a collaboration of classic Europe and modern culture.

Badenfahrt 2007

A bar along the river. From it's open terrace, you can see the illumination of old church. The band was singing about the city, how beautiful it is.

There were also artistic bars made only for the festival.

Badenfahrt 2007

Badenfahrt 2007

Overall, I really liked the city and the festival. It was less people than in a Zurich and less crazy. I could enjoyed real beauty of the city from the landscape of river and architecures and at the same time, could enjoy the atmosphere of party. Party is fun but often the case, it's destroying the real beauty of the city. In Baden, it was different.

Badenfahrt 2007

I like festivals in Switzerland!

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