I've just finished my first business trip in my life! Wow, it was such a unforgettable experience!
The purpose of this trip was to become familiar with hotels and tours which we often sell to clients. Our schedule was very tight but with my cool colleague who is a good friend of mine, we managed everything perfectly!
We took train departing Zurich at 6:30am and as soon as arriving Geneva, dashed to the hotel where we meet the first client. Guess what was the first comment of us after the meeting? "he was cute guy!!!!!!". Oh no, but we've really done good business discussion and left him a good impression.
So, now started our hotel cruise! We visited 10 hotels in one day!
Here comes typical hotel with Swiss atmosphere. Reminds me a house from Heidi's village:)
I like wooden room. Even though the outlook of building is not so interesting, inside is full wooden made and create warm environment.
Here below is one of my favorites. What interesting is that all the good hotels in Switzerland always has outstanding entrance with many flags swinging in the air!
Outlook is not so impressive but lobby was decorated as typical European gorgeous design.
There are some hotels which we really disspointed. Even though it's a 4 star hotel, interior is so dark, bed is like a camping bed and hallway smells like a hell! Oh yes, it's always good to see the property. Now we know which one to sell.
After finishing full appointment, me and my colleague went out for so-called "city inspection" (actually just having fun!) Geneva is very different from Zurich. Both cities are quite huge in Switzerland but Geneva is more cosmopolitan in positive and negative way. I personally like Zurich better. Maybe I felt more "Lost in translation" in this city.
C.V.P. is a abbreviation of s'il vous plait (please).
World famous big fountain..
Old town with many photos..
Maybe people are more open in Geneva since French spirit is mixed. We felt attention from men wherever we go, from car on the street,, everywhere!
Our business trip continue to the excursion of Chamonix next day!
Freitag, 27. April 2007
Business Trip to Geneva
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Labels: Business Trip, Geneva, HIS Switzerland, Switzerland
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2 Kommentare:
Arigato--!! New one is just posted! Please keep your eyes on it! Korekaramo oishiku tanohiku kaitekimasu!
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