From 1700m high Swiss mountain with tons of tons of snow!
Zurich is quite warm this year so I've never expected such a heavy snow up here. Even the houses are totally covered:)
We spent Silvester with our yearly program. After cozy dinner in the kitchen with fireplace, we had cakes and tea with a family in neighbor. This family is like a relative of ours.
And then, we walk all the way up to the next village where the sledge course starts.
The night of Silvester was beautiful full moon.
The road was so clear only with moonlight. Since I have always spent count down in the middle of the city with full illumination, this atmosphere is totally special.
We walk through the village til the start line of sledge course.
Since I can neither ski nor sledge this year, I just walked up with everyone. My husband sometime pulled me with sledge. That was fun!
Natural Christmas tree along the road..:)
It was indeed a nostalgic and a bit mysterious atmosphere. My husband, kicked the electric lamps along the road in order to turn them off:)
And here we are, the starting point of sledge course! I was so exhausted just to walk up here but one of my family even carried the bottle of Champagne in a rucksack. Until the moment of new year, we took a picture all together.
Unlike in the city, there is no particular sign for the moment of new year. Yes, the church was ringing a bell but once it's stop, this is the sign of the new year! Similar to temples in Japan.
Fireworks burst in the sky from some other parties.
We all have a cup of Champagne and toast each others,, one by one. This is still quite funny for me. If there is a 20 people in the group, you have to greet and celebrate a new year with every single person by giving kiss three times:)
After finishing this ceremony, time for sledge ride! "Gute Rutsch" in German means "Have a nice slide" and this word is generally used to wish for a good year. Well, our family practically move this saying into an action:)
Last year, I rode with my husband and crashed in between. I am not joining this year. Have fun everybody! Godzilla and I took a car and went down to the goal of sledge course.
The next day, 1st of January was beautiful weather! Our family went for skiing, I went for my walking. Walking in the snow is also a good exercise for me this year.
I clearly remember how I have celebrated a new year of 2000 in Yokohama. Can't believe how fast the time goes by. It's been already 10 years since then. I feel that new era will begins from 2010. This year will be a big one. We will have many new experiences and new challenges but I'm sure these will make our like even more fruitful. By walking in a pure, white and clean snowfield, I felt upcoming lucky year in front of us.
Which cosmetic matches today?
Greenland body butter papaya-lemon
A house in a snow mountain is warm and cozy. It equipped with sauna to warm your body up after skiing. But it is very dry inside. Body butter and body oil is necessary to keep the moisture. Some unmatched tropical flavor like mango is interesting to use in the house!
You can get it in here.
Sonntag, 3. Januar 2010
Happy New Year 2010!
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Labels: Lüsai, Swiss mountain
Mittwoch, 16. Dezember 2009
Weekend in Paris
Why Christmas decoration is so boring in Zurich!? It's the most largest city in Switzerland but along the main street, only cold colored "light-bar" is hanging in the middle. Although trees are standing along the street, they are not decorated with illumination.
I'm now having third Christmas in Zurich. December is one of my favorite month. It is cold but the atmosphere of holiday and upcoming new year makes me feel excited. When I was in Tokyo, I really loved to hop around and check beautiful Christmas illumination.
I really miss it now.
I learned that illumination in Omotesando will come back first time after 11 years. Waht!? Omotesando is a most romantic shopping street in Tokyo and it was locating just few steps away from my university. Those days, when I was a student, I could walk Omotensando every day. But somehow they stopped this illumination since 1997 up to now.
Now, I'm so far away from Tokyo and they started this beautiful illumination again.
The morning I saw the news was the day after I learned about Omotesando's illumination. The news caster said "Illumination in Champs-Élysées lighted up today!".
and this is it. Paris is closer to Zurich than Omotesando:)
A present for man is always difficult. I had headache to think about a Christmas present for my husband this year. I never see him using or wearing my gift that I bought to him in past. (only exception of Fridag's bag)
He is also not a kind of person who go for a shopping to look for a present.
I thought "Weekend in Paris" can be a good present for him than buying something useless.
Paris was amazing. This illumination was even more gorgeous than the picture above. The lights on the top half of the tree slides down just like shooting star or like piece of snow.
Along this illumination stands Christmas market. The atmosphere was quite different from that of Germany or Switzerland. Odie grabbed Crape, Hamburger and Hot wine from here..
I visited Paris first time after 10 years. 10 years ago, I visited this city with my parents in summer. This time, I only have 2 days. I decided to experience something which I didn't do 10 years ago.
The Louvre. It was tempting but we decided not to get in. I went in 10 years ago and if I go in again, it will take minimum half a day. Only a photo from the entrance.
Bastille Plaza. A historical plaza where French revolution has begun. The prison doesn't exist anymore but the tower of piece stands in the middle in stead.
We continued our journey to Island Cité. I really loved this classic small street here.
On the bridge which connect Island Cité and Saint-Louis was live music. We enjoyed this French atmosphere.
Cathédrale Notre-Dame. A beautiful Gothic architecture. If the time allows, I also wanted to get inside to see it's purple rosed stained glass.
We had short break at cafe and moved on to Saint-Germain area where you can enjoy shopping in many small boutiques. It was freezing cold in Paris so I bought a new coat.
Attractive French sweets is also something you cannot miss. I cannot leave Paris without eating rose macaron from Pierre Herme. Ohh, this combination of rose flavored macaron and raspberries was like a dream.
These area were all totally new for me which I didn't see 10 years ago. I got to know something new in this city.
December in Paris? You have to see it's shopping heat!
Look at this lovely illumination! You can never find this in Switzerland! A department store attracting customer with it's illumination:)
and check out this one!
Another mosaïque designed illumination on the department store.. I can imagine that people in Zurich complain if such a fancy illumination show up in the city..
Inside was even more crazy!! Huuuuuuge Christmas tree standing in the middle of the hall! Base color is pink!
Pink gift boxes are flying in the air..
On my god, I have never seen such a decoration even in Tokyo:)
Among such a crazy shopping district, a representative from Japan is successful!
UNIQLO. It's concept "Cheap and High Quality" is obviously very welcomed by these French Fashonista. The shop was very very full!
Illuminated steps at the entrance saying "Brand from Japan". It was really nice to see many Japanese staff working in the shop who are fluent in French.
Another thing which I haven't done yet is,, Eiffel Tower!!
I was tricked by my husband and didn't know that I can use elevator. I had to take stairs all the way up. I mean, stairs is anyway not allowed to the VERY top, we went up until the middle. From there, we had no choice than a lift. Thanks god.
We had luck with weather. The view from the top of Eiffel Tower was amazing. We could overview the whole city. It was also interesting to know that in the beginning Eiffel Tower was not welcomed by citizen. They didn't want to have ugly iron tower in the city. Mr. Eiffel gave one condition that he keep Eiffel Tower in the city for 10 years. After 10 years, he will destroy it. But during this 10 years, Eiffel Tower became a symbol of the city. It has also commercial value since it could communicate with US for the first time.
If Eiffel Tower was gone, Paris would have another different face now. But we cannot imagine the city without Eiffel Tower anymore.
Although it was tight schedule, I really had good time there. At the end, we have been give wrong information from Airport Bus driver and got off at the wrong terminal. This leads us to the tragedy to rush to the date without checking in the suitcase.
For my husband, our trip was just stress although we had lots of good moments. I don't know if this shopping energy was just too much for Swiss man or if this unluck in the last minutes wipe out his good memories.
Anyway, Christmas in next year will be very different. I will treasure the memories of two of us and looking forward to having totally new days with new family.
Which cosmetic matches to this event?
SANTE Eyeshadow Trio smokey eyes No 06
One palette and perfect Parisian make-up!
You can get it here.
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Labels: Eiffel Tower, Illuination in Paris, Paris
Dienstag, 1. Dezember 2009
Christmas Party and Christmas Song
It was FABULOUS again, as usual. Last Sunday was yearly Christmas party hosted by Godzilla's brother in Basel. I really much looking forward to this party every year.
Upon we arrived, Karsten, a sweet 12 years boy welcomed us. Wow, one year is a lot for a boy in this age. He is much taller and less shy. I was amazed how he helps the party. He took care of our coats and offered me a drink. Unbelievably good boy.
Tons of good food were prepared.. It was worth skipping a breakfast.
Delicious Swiss Cheese. Some were made by aunt Heidi. I really loved it!
Gorgeous fruits corner.
Fascinating desserts. A small pan cake looked sweets are Dorayaki, a Japanese sweets. I made by myself!
Fay, a sister of Odie was also there from Madrid. Whenever I attend this party, I always feel so thankful that I joined the family. They are all fun and partly crazy...
Especially Godzilla:) He is testing "nose hair cutting machine" in front of all. What a Godzilla..
By the way, Odie and I are still "Garfield" and "Odie" but this year, I found a special holiday nickname for him.
One day, on a cold day outside, I realized that his nose is slightly red. So I sung a song "Rudolf the red nosed Odie--". He found the song quite funny, bus surprisingly, he didn't know this "World famous Rudolf's song" at all!! I was shocked!! I tested him if he knows other Christmas song but my god, he doesn't know any! Only "Jingle Bell".
No, this is really not acceptable. When I was a child in US, there was always a Christmas Party hosted by school. All the children had to sing a song in chorus. In order to remember a lyric in heart, we always had a test. Every kids must sing a song alone in front of all classmates. That's why I still remember some lyrics in my heart.
No Christmas song, no Christmas for me. Odie, you have start getting familiar to songs!!
So I sung a song time to time. Odie start getting interested in it. Eventually he said to me "Ok! Let's sing some Christmas songs at the party in Basel this year!!".
"Whatttttt??????" This is typical Odie, he goes from extreme to extreme:) But I thought it's not a bad idea.
So Odie started practicing.
Odie, image training in the train to Basel.
After we ate enough, we went out to mandatory city walk to digest:)
Ernst organized nice boat ride crossing Rhine.
Karsten is also enjoying. I wish I had a boy like him:)
We all had nice walk after huge meal. But back in home, we start eating again. It's a dessert time.
and our Christmas song time! I wore Santa hat.
The choice of Christmas songs are my favorite.
1 Joy to the World
2 Winterwonder Land
3 Rudolf the Red Nosed Reindeer
Although Odie learned songs in quite a short time, he did good job. When we start singing this reindeer's song, Odie wore
a red nose:) We went to buy it in toy's shop. That was funny. Now he is a REAL reindeer.
But I really surprised that no one knew any of these musics. That was quite a big Culture shock for me. I thought these songs are world famous song like Beatles song from generation to generation. But obviously, these are the creation of US and unlike in Japan, they are now widely known in Europe.
But some new breeze of different culture is good. Odie and I decided to sing every year, choosing some new Christmas songs. So that our small new family who will be joining next year will get familiar with it.
I'm already looking forward to it!
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Labels: Christmas Party Basel, Christmas songs
Donnerstag, 5. November 2009
2nd Honeymoon in Dubai
Odie and I travel a lot. But I realized that we haven't done "private holiday" just two of us for a long time. I love to visit friends in other countries but this time, the purpose of the holiday was purely spending private time each others.
The place we have chosen to visit was Dubai. A totally new place for both of us.
Dubai is crazy. They have pretty much everything in the city.
Not to mention beautiful coast..
Huge shopping mall with world biggest aquarium.
Who can imagine sharks in a shopping mall? Not only one or two of them!
What you can enjoy not only watching fishes but also..
ice skating in damm hot Dubai
or even skiing! Odie, who grown up in a Winterwonder land, cannot believe what he see. "This must be some kind of arabic joke!".
Craziness of shopping mall in Dubai continues. There is even a world biggest fountain in the area. The performance with arabic music was like a belly dance show.
Another world number one is "the longest metro without a driver". This train reminds me of "Yurikamome" in Japan.
In fact, these train are "made in Japan". This is a gold class which is equipped only one wagon in a train.
There are still lots of building under construction. I'm sure city looks different in 5 years..
Talking about "Japanese made", there is a reclamation land called "Odaiba" in Tokyo where also a monorail without a driver are running.
There it is, "The Palm", a reclamation district shaped like a palm tree has opened in Dubai this year. A castle like architecture ahead is a hotel called "Atlantis" which holds amazing water theme park in the preperty.
Tthere is even a dolphine lagoon in the park.
Odie played with a dolphine.
Odaiba in Japan holds theme park of Onsen but there is no lagoon with dolphine. Dubai is just amazing.
City Dubai is never ending entertaiment park but what I liked the most in this trip was an experience in desert.
"Bab Al Shams". A luxurious hotel standing like a mirage in the middle of the desert.
You can easily accest to the desert behind the goergous swimming pool.
It was my first desert experience.
and I absolutely needed to try riding on a camel!
Was quite scary than I thought. I never knew how you get on and off from a camel. I thought you will climb ladder or something. But the fact is, a camel bend their forelegs and sit down. When they bend their legs, the saddle inclines. I thought I fell off. Camel was also taller than I thought. Therefore, the suggestion from Odie riding on a camel for 3 hours was easily declined by me:)
There are many things to go in this desert except camel ride. For example greeting to falcon..
Have a short walk in the desert..
and feel that earth is really round.
When Odie suggested to stay in this hotel for 3 nights, I thought I will get bored. But I was wrong. I could have stay here for a week a relax.
A morning in desert started from a delicous breakfast under blue sky.
and we hang out around the swiming pool for whole day.
There were two pool, one is cold water and one is warm.
Odie played killer whale in this pool. I rode on a killer whalre. It was great fun.
Hommos was my favorite arabian food. We had great snack at pool side.
Fun time goes by fast. Sun is setting again..
We had a drink at the bar "inside" swimming pool
and was relunctant to leave this beautiful day.
But we still have fun time left.
Special arabian dinner at the restaurant in the middle of desert!
We walked red carpet..
and being escorted to the unknown world..
It was the dinner I have never experienced.
Huge arabian buffet
and a show of belly dance and arabic music.
This carivan show was also fun. Even camels and horses are acting.
Odie became friend with one local man who was dining next to us.
He was really a fun, friendly dubai man who is a first local person we spoke to.
It was unforgettable night. We had 10 minutes romantic walk back to the hotel
and had a last drink at roof top bar again.
Our last night in desert.
Conincidentally, it was exaclty 5 years since we met. Too many things have happened in last 5 years and I feel like we've been together for 10 years. Also for this reason, it was perfect time to go for a private holiday to refresh the relationship.
This holiday will stay in my memory forever just like a honeymoon.
Which cosmetic matches to this event?
Santaverde Aloe After Sun Emulsion
Dubai is one of the most dry place in the world. Not to mention desert, but also air conditioning inside of building dry your skin drastically. In addition to suntan, skin needs urgent moisture care.
Santa Verde contains Aloe Vera instead of water. This smooth cream easily absorb to your skin and prevent skin irritation.
You can get it here.
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Labels: Bad Al Shams, Dubai, Dubai Aquarium, Dubai Shopping Mall