From my previous post, "Unbelievable Polterabend", Caro became one of the popular characters in my blog.
and she has finally married! Caro being escorted by her Italian papa.
I was so touched and amazed how beautiful she is in the white dress.
The ceremony in church has started. In Europe, "best man" and "best woman" play a big role. A best woman of Caro, who professionally organized the Polter abend was also supporting bride on this day. Her pink dress was cute.
A flower girl took an important role as well.:) She was brave enough to show up on the stage all by herself.
While bride and groom say their vows, hands of best man and best woman were on their shoulder just like they are joinng the vows. This scene was very special for me and impressive. Sharing important moment in your life with your best friend or best brother or sister is nice. But I would have difficulty to chose only one if I had a best woman:)
Ceremony has finished. New married couple has born!
As we went out from the church, I saw something never seen in any other weddings..
An arch was built by girls from their dental clinic.
Teeth are standing in front of their feet!
at the end of the arch, I found this decorated two teeth, just like this couple. Gee, this is so funny.
Moreover, among the flower shower, tooth brush and tooth paste were lying. Unbelievable!! This made me so laughed.
After the ceremony is cocktail party.
Godzilla, who was also a patient of this couple, joined to celebrate their wedding.
Unlike the wedding in Japan, guests make a queue in order to greet and celebrate bride and gloom. In Japan, we make a queue after the party since the ending time is fixed. In Europe, guests join the party and they leave after a while, whenever they want. That's why usually no queue upon the departure.
Bride and gloom are very busy in the beginning since they have to greet all the people. (and of course, 3 times kisses to every guests!:)
After a cocktail, party move on to dinner. Cocktail are quite open to many people but the dinner is only for selected friends and family.
This is again, other way around from the system in Japan. In Japan, you invite limited people for banquet, and in the evening, you make more casual party open for many friends. It is always interesting to find these culture differences.
Caro and Sven chose venue as a hotel in Zuriberg. A beautiful european hotel up on the hill in the city.
Nice table decoration.
Bride and gloom are both relaxed and enjoy dinner with guests. This is great. (i had no time to eat at all by my wedding,-).
Photo presentation by family and relative.
A gloom in his young time, trying to be Macchio. All the guests have cracked up.
Guess what the present was.. Iphone shuffle! Perfect whey you go jogging!
Wedding cake performance time. Gloom and bride cut a piece together and this actually means "first work together as a married couple". In Europe, guests can really eat this cake. In Japan, this "performance cake" is not for eat. At least in our wedding, we were not allowed to serve this cake to guests. The cake which really being served looks similar with the one made for "performance" but actually not the same. This is due to hygiene reason since "performance cake" have to be prepared in a day before. Strange..
I was happy that we were allowed to eat this cake. Symbolic puppet of bride and gloom is on the top! So sweet!!
Party-part 3 began with the dance performance of bride and gloom. Caro and Sven was taking a private dance lesson and they showed us such a perfect salsa show! My god, I can't believe we were taking a same dance course. They are now way ahead to us. It was indeed a great dance!
Time for dance party for all. Live band play many different kind of music.
Odie was totally drunk and acting silly. He was wearing blue band which was actually a part of decoration. Odie was exactly like Japanese oldies in drinking pub who are wearing ties around their head and drunk!
With similar crazy type of his friends, Odie was out of control. I let him free his energy.
Party continues until late. Music was very good. I'm glad that we booked a room in this hotel..:)
On the next morning, we supposed to have a brunch as a nice ending of the party. But we somehow screwed up with our plan and didn't make it. In Europe, the wedding party usually ends with Sunday breakfast with guests. I like this culture.
I clearly remember when Caro and Sven invited us for dinner. That was the time I was visiting Odie in Switzerland. It has been already 4 years since then. Now, I'm living in Switzerland and being invited to their wedding party. You never know what your life brings to you..
Anyway, I'm so happy to have such a GREAT friends here and thank to Caro and Sven for a beautiful party!
Which cosmetic matches to this event?
Athanor Edelweiss Cleansing Lotion
Gently wipe off the make up you wore for a whole day. Swiss made Edelweiss extract calm your skin down and prevent irritation.
You can get it here.
Montag, 19. Oktober 2009
Wedding of dentist couple
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Labels: Hochzeit in Zurich, Salsa
Mittwoch, 14. Oktober 2009
Oktoberfest 2009
It was another GREAT weekend in Munich!
But before you get there, it is always question of "how". We usually like to take train since we can both relax and read, have coffee in restaurant car and so on. However, taking train to Munich during Oktoberfest is not always the best choice.
These drunk Swiss people were continuously singing and shouting as they were already in a tent. When you happen to be same wagon with these kind of people, 5 hours ride to Munich becomes nightmare.
Anyway, we survived.
This time, we stayed by Thomas, a friend of Odie. I see him like a cousin of Odie since they know each others for a long long time. Thomas cook fabulous.
Ohhhh this pasta was gorgeous. After experiencing hell in train, I jumped up to heaven. It was really delicous.
He was like a professional cook.
Since we took it easy on the first night of our arrival, we were in full power on the next day.
I explored the city, where my father used to live. I have some memory that I walked the city with him.
It was a beautiful day.
I love Victoria Markt.
Munich is great, even the city is locating inland, they have variety of fresh seafood!!
I had really nice lunch.
Our weekend of Octoberfest is little bit different from last year. Last year, we stand in a line in front of the test at 9 o'clock in the morning. I was so exhausted in early afternoon. This year, we enjoyed the city for a while and headed to Wiesen around 3 o'clock.
I think this is the best to start a party.
Thomas is also in Lederhose.
Odie bought me a Lebkuchen as usual...
with strange sentence as USUAL!!:) "My funny bunny".
He prefer finding these unique phrase than simply "ich liebe dich" and so.
Thanks to our friends who we met by wedding, we managed to get seats in this tent.
It was very kind of Anna and Christian. Without their kind offer, we could never find a seat.
As usual, it is sooooo amazing how many people are squeezed in a tent.
What great about the test is live music. If you just want to drink, there are seats outside as well where you don't have to reserve. But this live music is something encourage the atmosphere of Octoberfest.
Jumbo pretzel.
Traditional German food..
Beer, beer and beer...
Although I cannot drink beer, I enjoyed the fest year by year. It's because I getting know these "Octoberfest lied" better than before. I can slowly sing even with gesture! Indiana song is my favorite.
But later in the evening, more people get drunk. Sometime I had to dance with a stranger whom I even didn't want to.
and a German guy in my neighbor never allow me to toast with water glass anymore. Every time we toast, he forced me to take a beer. Ohhhh nooooooo.
I never stayed Otcoberfest so late. We stayed until the test close.
Thomas is half dutch and he is the strongest in alcohol. Even though he had lots of beer, he was sharp enough to shoot the targets:)
and I got many flowers! Thanks Thomas!
But afterward, Odie and I have been dragged to roller coaster. We were knocked out:) Roller Coaster after drinks..What a tough man..
On the next day, we had a beautiful Sunday brunch and nice walk in a garden. I'm sure people in Munich are happy to have such a wonderful, big garden in the middle of the city. We have visited Octoberfest twice in the past but I think this year was the best. We concentrated on the party from Saturday afternoon but the rest, we've just relaxed and enjoyed the city. Yes, Munich is the city worth to stay and hang out.
Although we were annoyed by drunk people in the train back to Zurich, sunset at Bodensee was beautiful as usual.
Which cosmetic matches to this event?
Weleda Sloes Fit Juice 200ml<br>
After many glasses of beer, you need to detox and bring your body condition back to fit. Weleda Elixir will help you.
You can get it here.
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Labels: Dindl, Lebkuchen, Ocotberfest, Oktoberfest